General Practice Students Network
The chief aim of the Society is to promote the vital role of General Practitioners in the community and to advocate for its visibility among the general student population as well as the medical student body. In the context of severe General Practitioner shortage and waning interest in the specialty as a career option for medical students, the Society’s role as promoting the value and importance of General Practitioners will be of significant importance.
To achieve this, our society holds events such as First Steps, Careers Night and Trivia Night which are highlights in the medical school calendar. We also hold many stalls in camps and social events to further raise the profile of General Practice as a wonderful medical career.
With proper induction into USU and the resources it brings, GPSN will seek to connect with students outside of medicine as well, in line with the importance of raising awareness in the community about the roles the GP plays and the importance of having a regular and reliable GP as part of long term well being.